
Seizures are divided into broad categories, and based on the type of behavior and brain activity the two categories are generalized and partial. Generalized seizures are produced by electrical impulses from throughout the entire brain. Partial seizures are caused by electrical impulses in a relatively small part of the brain. There are six types of generalized seizures.

Partial seizures are divided into simple, complex, and those that evolve into secondary generalized seizures. The difference between simple and complex partial seizures is during a simple partial seizure the patient retains awareness and while during a complex partial seizure the patient loses awareness.

Simple partial seizures are divided into four more categories according to the nature of the symptoms, being

  • Motor

  • Sensory

  • Autonomic

  • Psychological

Complex partial seizures include impairment of awareness, patients may seem to be “staring into space” or “out of touch”. This is one of three complex seizures the second being automatisms, which consist of involuntary but coordinated movements that tend to be purposeless and repetitive. The third kind starts as a focal seizure but then evolves into a generalized convulsion or Grand-mal seizure.

